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發布日期:2016-06-14 11:50:23浏覽量:1505

Press Registration Q & A

The 3rd G20 Finance Ministers and

Central Bank Governors Meeting, 2016

    1. 問:第三次G20财長和央行行長會議記者報名工(gōng)作何時啓動,報名渠道是什麽? 

答:本次會議記者報名時間爲北(běi)京時間6月13日至6月26日,有意參會的記者請登錄2016年G20峰會官方網站(http://media.2016g20.org),選擇“G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting”進行注冊報名。


Q1: How and when can I apply for registration? 

A: Press representatives wishing to cover the event are kindly requested to complete registration online through the 2016 G20 Summit official website (http://media.2016g20.org) from Jun 13thto 26th (GMT+8) by choosing “ G20 Finance Ministersand Central Bank Governors Meeting before registration”. 

If you have any questions, please email Press Office of MOF, China at media2016g20@126.com

2. 問:如果記者錯過網上注冊報名,能否通過其他方式報名參會? 


Q2: If I missed the online registration deadline, is there any other way to register? 

A: According to the meeting arrangement, we will only accept online registration.  

    3. 問:網上注冊報名完成後,是否确定可以參會? 



Q3: After registering online, how can I know whether my registration has been approved? 

A: Due to limited space, it is not guaranteed that accreditation will be available to all applicants. We will give accreditation on a first come, first served basis, and the number of press representatives from each media outlet will be limited. Priority will be given to member states of the G20. 

Those who could not attend the meeting may visit the official website of MOF China and the G20 Finance Track WeChat group for journalists for the latest news release and related information.  

For journalists who wish to join the G20 Finance Track WeChat group, please scan the QR code below. 



Q4: How do I receive confirmation? 

A: The Press Office of the Ministry of Finance of China will send confirmation letters to press representatives after Jul 8th. You could also visit the 2016 G20 Summit official website (http://media.2016g20.org) to check your application status.  



Q5: If I am not able to attend the meeting, can other journalist attend in my place? 

A: Due to multiple registration procedures, once confirmed, the names of attendees cannot be changed.  

6. 問:注冊報名信息填寫錯誤如何更改? 


Q6: How can I go back to correct some mistakes on my registration? 

A: Please fax an official letter (seal affixed) to Press Office of MOF, China (+86-10-68551562), or send a scanned version to (media2016g20@126.com) before the registration deadline.